Friday, February 29, 2008

A Mediocre Victory!

I finally redeemed myself. After three years in a row of coming in almost last place in my Oscar party pick ‘em pool, I finally struck pay dirt. Except for we don’t put any money on the results, so I didn’t really get paid… And if we did pay to play we wouldn’t be using valuable ore as our choice of currency, which means it really wouldn’t be classified as dirt. But if we had and if we did then I would have… I think that expression is slightly outdated.

Regardless, I did take home the plastic trophy to prove that this year I was the ultimate Oscarictorian. Granted I only got 15 categories correct (16 if my drunken scoring would have been official), but that was enough to end the night on top; me and “No Country.”
Of course now that I’ve said it out loud I’m not that happy with my performance. In fact a mere 15 correct may have only got me second place at best for the last three years. I don’t have access to the official numbers, mind you, but I fear that perhaps the records would show that the rest of the field simply flopped this year rather than me rising above.

But a win is a win, just ask the Giants. I’ll have to take solace knowing that even though I didn’t set the field ablaze with unparalleled insight; at least I didn’t sink to the bottom either. I guess being consistently average means that every once and a while you come out on top. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut on occasion.

Lucas Burt
What's In A Name Anyway?

An occurrence has happened to me of late; one that I’m not proud to admit. It seems as though I have trouble typing my own name. If this were to happen once and a while it wouldn’t be a big deal, but my mistypingitis happens a couple of times a day. Instead of typing “Lucas” it tends to come out as “Luacs.” Perhaps I’m trying to type too quickly, or maybe deep down just I want to change my name; some sort of Freudian slip of the fingers.

I suppose I could change it to Luacs, but I can foresee several problems arising. The first is that I wouldn’t really know how to pronounce it. Would it be “Loo – acts or La - aches?” I guess one of those could work. But then I got to thinking further. What if after I changed my name I still had troubled typing it? Is it too much of a leap to think that when I try to spell “Lucas” and it comes out as “Luacs,” that when I switch it and try to spell “Luacs” it would then start coming out as “Lucas?” At this point I would probably go through the same internal tug-of-war about why I didn’t like my new name. Deep down I probably liked my old name more and was showing this by letting my fingers lead a typing revolt. The turmoil would ultimately prompt me into changing my name back to Lucas.

This would be an awful lot of work to get back to where I started. So instead of changing my name, I’ve decided to type slower and see if that helps.

Lucas Burt