Pass the Popcorn: Inkheart
Inkheart is a fairly confusing movie about a man who can summon characters from stories simply by reading the words aloud. Unfortunately, for everyone who comes out, someone goes back in. I watched this Brenden Fraser flick on the airplane last week, which consequently makes any film more tolerable. This was no different. Semi-interesting characters, decent effects, and a disjointed plot made for a mediocre experience. Inkheart was fun enough at 33,000 feet, but probably isn't worth watching when your feet are on the ground.
Back on Earth here I could not finish this movie and returned it half watched.
Being stuck on a plane makes it easier to watch anything. I was tired too. I actually told Malinda it wasn't that bad. Then she watched it, giving me time to realize that it was actually pretty bad. Funny how that worked out.
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