Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hump Day

No one likes to go to work on Wednesdays. They’re worse than Mondays in my book. At least with Mondays, and Tuesdays for that matter, you know that you have the rest of the week to get all of your work done. Pile up the paperwork because time is on your side. Thursdays and Fridays usher in the weekend. Even if you didn’t get all of you work done, you can escape your failures for 48 straight hours before you have to deal with them again. But Wednesdays…Wednesdays are the week’s purgatory. You’re in limbo between work and freedom. You still have a ton to do but not enough time to do it. You’re looking in the rearview mirror and through the windshield all at once. You’re back might not be against the wall, but you can feel the chill of the bricks. Damn you Wednesday, and your evil stigma.

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