Wednesday, September 03, 2008

My Musical Suggestions for Eric:

Low vs Diamond are similar to the Killers, U2, with a touch of the shins. I didn’t listen to a ton of their stuff, but they seemed to have a good vibe.

Missy Higgins is an Australian singer that has a low key feel but good.
Dead Confederate brings more rock to the table.

30H!3 gets dance floor electronica on your ass. Some of it’s good. Some of it is really bad. Have fun digging through it.

Ra Ra Riot is a band full of smart people.

As a side note: I do not lay claim to finding any of these bands. I don’t have my finger on the pulse of the music industry. I just take a listen when someone suggests it. In fact, you've all probably already heard all of these bands, and I just wasted five minutes of your life. Sorry...suckers.

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