Thursday, October 09, 2008

Because I can’t comment on Don Joseph Kingsley’s Blog:

Donnie actually thought “The Happening” wasn’t that bad. He said, “A lot better than I expected considering all the people who told me it was terrible. It was not terrible.”

This is a case of having such low expectations for a crappy movie that the viewer actually feels a slight sense of euphoria when the film doesn’t burn out his or her retinas. This is a common occurrence in life. If you set yourself up for disappointment, it’s easier to be satisfied with the outcome. That being said, Donnie should know better than to advocate such a feeling before understanding the ramifications of his misconceptions. Like a drunken one-night-stand with a homeless hooker, it always seems like a better idea that it really is.

I went into the movie without any preconceived notions and came out utterly disappointed. I witnessed several good actors coming off as complete amateurs, which usually falls on the director and script. The tension was limp and the story line has been done before. Although it’s not a remake, it was by no means “original storytelling.” I’m giving Donnie a cyber back hand right now. Did you feel that Donnie?

I guess I can look at my review as an act of Good Samaritanism. By setting the reading public’s expectations so low, they may actually not want to kill themselves after watching this pile. That’s my good deed for the day.

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