Saturday, January 31, 2009
I love the Super Bowl, but I can't stand the 2 weeks leading up to the big game. All you hear on every sport's channel is the same rehashing of boring story lines. I get it, the Cardinals are underdogs, Kurt Warner is old, and their coach used to work for the Steelers. All of this can easily be covered in one day. I don't need to hear 300 different analysts recant the same story for two weeks.
It completely ruins sport talk shows for 14 full days. Yes, the Super Bowl is the biggest sporting event in the U.S., but there are other things going on in the world of athletics. Hopefully when they move the Pro Bowl to the weekend before the Super Bowl, it will help balance out the way journalists cover this event.
Friday, January 30, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Rocker
A middle-aged drummer who missed out on his chance at fame and glory 20 years earlier is trying to make a comeback with his nephew’s high school band. It makes perfect sense, I guess. This was actually a pretty good flick. Actor Rainn Wilson of “The Office” holds his own on screen. He takes his character to a level of immature longing that Will Ferrell failed to do in “Step Brothers.” He was believably pathetic, yet the movie still managed to have a heart. The romantic interest, however, didn't work. The love interest needed to be much more flawed in order to compete with Wilson onscreen. Overall, the comedy was decent, and the plot wasn’t that far fetched in this day and age. You won’t be rolling for the full 102 minutes, but it has enough gags to make it worth watching.
Bangkok Dangerous
Nicholas Cage is an assassin with a heart. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have an agent with a brain. This pile of crap was lame from beginning to end. The plot line in the previews didn’t even play out until the last 20 minutes of the movie. I’m not a seasoned screenwriter, but I do know that the conflict is supposed to take shape way before the third act. If it wasn’t 2 a.m., and I wasn’t awake feeding my child with nothing else to do, I would have definitely turned this movie off before minute 30. Sorry Cage.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
B League
After years away from the court, I decided to join an intramural basketball league with my old college buddies. We had our first game last night in what was labeled as the “B” league. After the game, I came to three conclusions:
- I am not as quick as I used to be. Even though I can still run up and down the court, I’ve definitely lost my fist step. Either that or I was simply intimidated by the giants on the other team, which is equally as bad.
- Several years away from the gym are kinder to some than others.
- We should have looked for the “C” league. We were going up against a group of kids that were twice as fast, could jump twice as high, and were 3-times more dedicated. I’m not sure if they joined the wrong league or we are way worse than we all remember. I’ll bet it’s somewhere in-between.
I wouldn't consider myself a sneaker head. In fact, most of my life has been spent in Payless shoes. However, since I started working for an ad agency, I've not only been able to afford better shoes, I've also gained an appreciation for them - mostly due to the research I've put in over the last 6 months.
A lot of the "hot" kicks on the market sell to their targeted demographic, which usually isn't me. So it's nice to see something that grabs my attention on the first view. That being said, I have to agree with Donnie on his pedi-crush for the new Nike ACG Air Pegasus Hybrid.This is a slick specimen that I would gladly wear on the trail and then to the office.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I knew the Love Guru was going to suck. That's why I put off watching. Yet, I was still let down. I turned it off after 30 minutes. Not even Jessica Alba could keep my interest.
Other movies I've recently seen in the last 3 weeks:
Pineapple Express - funny, not as gory as people said. It was drug humor with a heart... kind of.
WAR Inc. - Baaaaaaad. It wasn't funny enough to funny, and it wasn't real enough to take seriously.
The Mummy 3 - Why did I have enough time on my hands to watch this? I want my two hours back.
Righteous Kill - Okay but underwhelming.
Hellboy II - Fun effects. Bad franchise. I need to find better things to do when my kid keeps me up at night.
The Foot Fist Way - Funny as a short. Exhausting as a feature.
The Dark Knight - Still a great movie.
Burn After Reading - Quirky and a lot of fun.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Benjamin Button is a methodical narrative about the life of a man who ages backwards. Brad Pitt’s character (Benjamin) was born arthritic, wrinkled, and brittle. But as the year’s go by and he gets bigger, his body actually gets younger. The story is told through a recounting on a death bed (the movies main flaw), but the message rises above.
Directed by David Fincher (Fight Club, Zodiac, Seven) Button is visually pleasing. The special effects are flawless and a healthy amount of quirkiness is inserted when necessary. The pacing starts off slowly as Fincher lays the groundwork for the emotional backbone. And even though the film’s pace doesn’t dramatically increase, I was dramatically drawn in.
Perhaps it’s because I now have a wife and kids, but it has been awhile since I’ve been so affected by a story that explores the idea of mortality and the relationships you chose to nurture in life. At a butt numbing 3-hours long, my body wore down before my interest did. And by the end, I was holding back tears. It wasn’t a perfect movie, but it was good. I hope it gives “Slumdog Millionaire” a run at the Oscars if only for the thematic journey it takes you on.
**note** If you’re a movie goer that needs constant stimulation and plot twists, this is not for you. But if you enjoy a good story, give it a chance.
Slumdog Millionaire is a movie about a young man in India who goes onto India’s version of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” in order to get his love interest’s attention. This movie has taken on the role of this year’s “critics darling” for the Oscar run, so I figured I had better check it out to see what all the fuss is about.
Generally speaking, it was a good movie. The first half was ripe with hardships and humor as your thrust into the realities of how some people are forced to live. The young actors do an amazing job running from bad situations to worse situations. In fact, it almost feels like the whole first half of the movie is spent on the move, which is why the second half of the movie becomes a little stale. The main characters grow up as the film takes a turn to your traditional love story.
Was it feel good? Yes. Was it an emotional roller coaster? At times. Was it the best movie of the year? No. Slumdog is a fully capable film. But by the end, I felt it didn’t quite deliver what the first half had promised. Not to mention the traditional Bollywood sequence during the credits completely removes you from the reality you were just expected to believe. So when you leave the theater, you’re unfortunately left with a cheesy recount of the film.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
This Tennessee duet gives us 12 tracks of despondent Indie bluegrass in a good way. Where Bon Iver doesn’t break through vocally, The Everybodyfields does. It’s not a perfect collection of songs. The male vocals (Sam Quinn) don’t deliver as strong as the female vocals (Jill Andrews), but the overall combination works. Pleasantly, the lead vocals change from song to song, which helps differentiate the feel of each track. The Tennessee influence drives most of the album using a yearning fiddle and lap steel. I would be surprised if at least one song isn’t scooped up by a Zach Braff film.
Donnie has lucked out. His car will remain note free. I give this album a thumbs up. It’s great for easy listening, drinking in the dark, and reflecting about your past.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Man, my wordplay is top-notch. Seriously though, after 60 years in business, Circuit City is closing its doors. They will eventually have a fire sale on all of their goods. But make sure you check the prices. I've been to several closeout sales before where the prices aren't good at all.
I was supposed to edit a short Internet video together for a client that demonstrated how to use the strap on one of their bags. After receiving the footage, I realized the audio was unusable, and the shot selection was nearly impossible to edit together in a normal capacity. IDEA! I decided to create a silent film instead, which luckily fit their new brand identity.
When the video was compressed for the web, I lost some of the worn film look, but the overall effect is still there.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Nope, this isn’t a play on words. My wife has a fat cat that seems to only be getting fatter. When we moved back from New York, our black cat tipped the scales at roughly 16-pounds. I don’t know if you’ve ever picked up a 16-pound cat, but they are heavier than you’d expect.
Regardless, this cat lost a good five pounds over the course of a year. But like most cats on diets, she couldn’t keep the weight off. She started packing on the pounds this winter, but it wasn’t until we went on a week long trip in December that she ballooned out of control.
During our trip to Montana, we simply left a bin of cat food available to all of the cats to munch on – better too much than too little, right? When we returned, I noticed most of the food was gone. I didn’t think anything of it until I picked the cat up off my bed the other day.
To make a long story short, the cat weighs in at 19 pounds. That’s nearly three times heavier than my new baby. My wife didn’t believe me until I handed the fatty to her, and she almost dropped her. I don’t have pics on this computer, but I will post some later. It’s ridiculous.
Friday, January 09, 2009
My wife was in a hurry when she pulled into Fred Meyer to pick up a couple of things. She parked away from the building, so she didn’t have to worry about squeezing into a tight spot. Not paying too much attention, she took up two parking spaces and ran inside with the baby in tow. When she returned to her car a couple of minutes later, someone actually took the time to put a note on her car that read, “Nice parking job ass wipe. Karma will get you.”
Wow. I didn’t realize Karma paid so much attention to parking jobs. Even more so, I can’t believe Karma is so harsh on mothers carrying around kids and car seats. Luckily for the author of the note, apparently Karma looks the other way when it comes to writing childish and anonymous notes on people’s cars. And what kind of person does it take to write a nasty note to someone’s car knowing that it is completely anonymous. I say, “Tell it to my face, or take your feeble ass home so your mom can tuck you in.”
Seriously, I’m in the kind of mood today that if I saw the person writing that note on my car, I would take over to them and punch ‘em in face. How’s that for Karma, ass wipe. Then again, I would probably never take up two parking places in the first place.
It's Friday whether you like it or not. I for one, like it. The sun isn't shining, but it sure as hell is trying. I'm tired, but not as tired as I was yesterday. And I have a full workload on my desk, which always feels good.
So enjoy the weekend because in a couple of days we get to suit up and do it all over again. That's right, I said "get to." This life is a privilege, and we need to start acting like it. How's that for a soap box moment. Pans Ho! (that's oh snap backwards).
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
I knew I would be tired. I was hoping I wouldn’t be as tired as I was with my first baby, but one never knows. And even though my son has been considerably easier to take care of than my daughter was, I don’t seem to be getting any more sleep.
The worst part is that my wife handles most of the night stuff since she is on maternity leave. But I still wake up, and I still have a hard time falling back to sleep. I know she is getting run down, which is actually keeping me awake more than the baby stuff. How’s that for ironic?
Regardless, I knew I would be tired. But even if you expect something, it doesn’t necessarily make it any easier to deal with. It’s a good thing my kids are so cute. Otherwise, I might be bitter about my exhaustion.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Did I mention that I got a hemorrhoid the other day from all of the strenuous sitting that I do. Research says that 60% of all people will get them by the time they are 50-years-old. I guess now I don’t have to wait to scratch that one off my list.
Regardless, I don’t recommend them. They happen to be very uncomfortable and unflattering to the rump region. You know what they say, “there’s nothing like a hemorrhoidal flare up to make a guy feel middle-aged and on the verge of normalcy.” Actually, I’m not sure they say that at all.
Monday, January 05, 2009

Streets shut down, cars were snowed in, and businesses stayed closed. Schools started their winter vacations early forcing many parents to work from home. I spent an entire day driving my boss around town because his car was entombed in snow. I pulled people out of ditches, lost my wedding ring in the process, and got to work from home because no one else in this city has 4-wheel-drive. I was even shamed into buying chains, which I never used, but still can't return because I lost the receipt. Damn you peer pressure.