Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pass the Popcorn: Extract

Extract is full of unlikable people doing bad things and trying to be likable, which in all seriousness, is unlikable. In fact, the only likable character is Kristen Wig, who is the only character that's introduced as being unlikable. Are you still with me?

To make matters worse, they all eventually got what they want. The idea had potential but potential doesn't equal good.


Eric Strahl said...

"The idea had potential" is a generous statement, or maybe it was just so bad overall that I missed that moment in the film where I think to myself, I can see why someone would give money to have that made. Really just lame. Your first paragraph is exactly how I felt at the end.

Anonymous said...

"If Ben Affleck's character is the best thing in a movie, something has gone terribly wrong."

Burtopia said...

The idea had potential because when I read about it, I thought, "that could be fun." If the idea didn't have potential, I wouldn't have bothered watching it.

Like I said, though, having potential and being good are totally different. On the bright side, it was better than "The Goods." On the downside, those movies combined have taken away over three hours of my life that I will never get back.

Burtopia said...
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