Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanks Gmail...

Gmail let me know that someone in China might have accessed my email. Of course, this notice came after everyone on my contact list started asking why I was spamming them.

Gee, everyone on my contact list, I guess I was bored, so I decided to start sending you awesome links about how you can save money by acting now. Actually, I do appreciate them getting back to me so I knew to change my password. But after 30+ responses, my appreciation turned into pissed-offness.

Then, of course, Gmail emailed me saying, "Hey, you might want to change your password." Thank you, Gmail, for that completely obvious response. I love your non-proactiveness. Next time someone from China decides to spam people form my account, maybe you should stop them before they send out a butt load of messages. On the bright side, at least they let me know it was China that I needed to be pissed off at.

As a boycott, I'm not buying anything manufactured...at least for today. Take that, China. Ha!

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