Wednesday, June 04, 2008

“Overnight” Not a review but a tongue lashing.

I watched “Overnight” at the request of my good friend Eric, and I have to admit, this documentary made me ask “why.” Why are some people given an opportunity? Why are some people in the right place at the right time? And why do millions of deserving individuals bury their dreams everyday while others spit at the face that’s giving them a handout?

The movie chronicles the instant rise and slow, painful fall of wannabe film maker Troy Duffy. A foul mouthed bartender from Boston is given a deal of lifetime when Harvey Weinstein offers to buy his script, make him a director, and let his band record the soundtrack. In true douche bag fashion Duffy proceeds to burn every bridge in town while stepping on every one’s toes as he’s basically run out of Hollywood. I’ve never wished failure on anyone with the intensity that I wanted this man to crash and burn. It’s unfortunate that he not only drowned his dreams with his nonsensical jabbering, but he stole any potential success from those around him.

Troy Duffy tasted the bitter poison of Karma, and we were lucky enough to have had someone follow his every move. “Overnight” is a true cautionary tale of WHY you shouldn’t try to be bigger than your britches; but most of all, why you shouldn’t be an a**hole.

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