Monday, March 02, 2009

Pass the Popcorn

This weekend two very interesting things happened at the movies. The Jonas Brothers 3D Experience didn’t claim the top spot, and Tyler Perry’s new Madea’s (fill in random subplot here) did. I have two natural reactions to this.

1: Who the hell keeps going to Tyler Perry movies? How many reincarnations of the same lame character can he make and still fill the theaters? Seriously, is there nothing else out right now that can pull the masses away from Tyler Perry? Really? He's a dude dressed up like an old lady. That's good for one movie. Just ask Robbin Williams. He knew to hang up the gray wig.

2: I hate the Jonas Brothers. I tried to at least be indifferent and let them make their millions. I get it, there will always be some young pop group for the 12-year-olds to swoon over. But after the last two times I’ve seen them perform on TV, I simply can’t stand them. They run all over the stage over performing for teens that don’t even know who McJagger is. When I think about their duet with Stevie Wonder, I start involuntarily swinging at people in rage. They are complete douche bags - albeit rich douche bags.

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