Pirates Can Suck It.
There’s nothing I hate more than a thug, which is all a pirate really is. They travel around the seas attacking and stealing from defenseless ships. Glorified in third-world countries and largely ignored by the rest of the world until this last week.
After killing several pirates during a successful rescue, more sea-thugs vow to kill future prisoners if they are attacked. I say by letting them run the seas unchecked, we’ve already enabled their actions… up until now. They are criminals, gang members at sea, and they should be treated as such.
I think if a pirate chooses to attack a ship, we should blow them out of the water, no questions asked. We should track them down and light ‘em up like the scum they are. There are certain people in this world that don’t deserve to be dealt with in a civil manner.
I feel the same away about gangs on land. They steal, kill, and drag down everyone around them. I know our country gets entrenched in due process, but I have no patience for these types. If you’re in a gang, caught carrying out gang activity, you get no trial.
I also think these sea vessels should have military trained personnel on them. If they are attacked, they can at least fight back. I’m sick and tired of hearing about people dying due to gang violence. We’ve been steadily losing this war as our cities diversify and culture clash. The only way to stop gang violence is to eliminate the gangs.
I hate to get all Dirty Harry on society, but there comes a time when we have to say enough is enough.
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