Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tim Tebow (Question Mark)

Tebow is one of the only players in the NFL who can prove his critics right and wrong at the same time. Is he widely inaccurate? Of course he is. You saw the stats for the first three quarters of the game this weekend. He couldn't hit the broadside of a barn. But can he win games? Technically, yes they won. He orchestrated a final drive and threw a game-tying touchdown pass. Of course, no one is giving Prater any love for the final field goal. But that's another story.

The fact of the matter is that Tebow's game is like an alcoholic who gets sober. Everyone pats him on the back for not taking a drink in a year. But if he wasn't an alcoholic to begin with, he could've skipped the 12 steps altogether. Get my drift?

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