Halo Cloud Explained...Kind of.
A crazy looking halo cloud appeared over Moscow Russia last week. Scientists said they had a perfectly normal explanation for it. They said, "Several fronts have been passing through Moscow recently, there was an intrusion of the Arctic air too, the sun was shining from the west — this is how the effect was produced."
Oh really. Thanks for that insightful pile of bull. I was hoping that the scientific explanation would include actual scientific information - like the angle of refracted light through air temperatures less than 23 degrees combined with a mirroring effect of crystallized water droplets that couldn't escape a strong upcurrent always produce accentuated effervescence. I would have believed that.
Instead, we get some Russian meteorologist blame it on the intrusion of arctic air and the sun shining from the west. Thanks Russia for keeping us wary of your ability to be truthful. Perhaps if this happened over Brazil, we could believe it. But coming from Russia...I don't know.
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