American Suckhole.
I’m all for reality TV. Even the crappy ones can kill an hour of my time on a Saturday morning, but I just can’t get on board with American Idol. It annoys me to no end. Every morning when Yahoo graces my computer screen, I see the latest American Idol news; every single day. Is this really news?
I know we live in a 24-hours a day, 7-days a week, 52-weeks a year news era, but give me a break. The show is already on TV for two-hours a day, three-days a week. Do I really have to read about it every morning as well?
I understand Fox’s need to shove this televised Karaoke contest down our throats. It’s their big ticket rating getter. I just wish it was a better show. Yes, we know that Paula is a crack head, Simon loves rubbing his man boobs, and Randy likes to use the word “dog,” but I need a little more then that to hold my attention. Perhaps I just can’t stand the fact that every season produces a winner that proceeds to record a ridiculously lame album that bombs on the charts. Seriously…we take 6 months canvassing the country for an “artist” that can publically make a crappy album. Sweet! I’m pretty sure I could do the same thing in a week. Maybe we should have American Architect next. We can find America’s favorite architect, have them design a wildly popular looking house, and then laugh as that house crashes down on its occupants. It would be great TV. Alright Fox, let’s make this happen.
1 comment:
I think they did that one, no one watched, so if a house falls on tv when no one is watching... does it really fall?
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