Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Furry Fiends

There’s a conspiracy against me. All the animals in the world have banned together to make sure I never get a good night’s sleep. Our new dog is great, but a nocturnal S.O.B. Every morning at 5 a.m. there’s a smack down between him and one of the cats.

Hssssss, Smack, Bark! And I’m awake.

Before the new dog, it was just the cats. One of them would find a way to wake me from my restless slumber before the sun came up. Whether it be from jumping on and off the bed repeatedly, vigorously cleaning themselves next to my ears, or meowing at the door, I never quiet figured out how to silence them for a full night.

And I don’t even want to get into the rooster that briefly found refuge next door.

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