Get Some Nuts
The new Snickers campaign pits Mr. T against numerous Nancy-boy types. He’s armed with Snickers bars and the slogan “Get Some Nuts.” Basically it all boils down to acting like a man. Don’t speed-walk in short shorts, don’t do yoga, don’t cry at movies, and all of that jazz. Of course, the gay rights activists have started a feeding frenzy. To this I say “give it a rest.”
Yes, I know you have a plight. There are people out there that don’t agree with the lifestyle or its moral implications. Those are real issues. These ads aren’t. The bottom line is that there are many straight men that do all of these things to. The ad isn’t saying “don’t be gay.” It is saying “act like a man.” It’s playing off the stereotypes of how men used to act. It’s doing the same thing the Old Spice commercials do.
I don’t like the direction political correctness censorship is heading. There’s a reason a lot of stand up comics use this type of material in their jokes; it’s funny. It’s not malicious. It’s not vindictive. It’s humor. I’m a man’s man from Montana, but I’m also a little metrosexual. Should I be pissed off to? No one is defined by one thing, and we should be allowed to poke fun at our differences.
I think for your opinions you should have to put on some spandex and power walk while Amber throws Snicker Bars at you at a high rate of speed.
I am hungry. Maybe that would be a good way to get some free snacks. The adds were pulled by the way.
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