Saturday, February 28, 2009
I've always considered my musical tastes to be fairly broad. And even though I do like listening to everything from rap to the rat pack, I've recently discovered that my preference have slowly shifted to all things soft alternative/indie/bluegrass/rock. Basically, I'm just soft.
After trying to figure out why I'm such of raging vagina when it comes to my musical choices, I stumbled upon a startling realization; I'm high strung. That's right. I have a lot of energy. My mind goes a mile a minute. And I have a hard time sitting still. I guess it makes sense that I need to indulge in mellow music in order to balance myself out and decompress.
If I listened to too many hardcore riffs, my heart would probably explode. In fact, every time I think about being relaxed, it usually was when I was listening to music. And that's about it. Besides those moments, I'm usually thinking about the next new slogan, or how I'm going to build my deck, or why now is the perfect time to invest in the stock market.
Music is about the only thing that keeps me least as mellow as I can allow myself to be. And I'm okay with that. As it turns out, I'm not a vagina. I merely need a counter weight to my life.
Apparently I agreed to run an 8K in two weeks. I need to quit promising people that I will run races with them and then forgetting about it. Granted, it's only 5 miles. But I hate running 5 miles at a mediocre pace. In fact, I hate doing anything mediocre. Maybe that's why I gets so depressed all the time.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
SoBe Energy:
My quest to research a variety of energy drinks has led me to the lizard. SoBe energy drinks as we know them have been discontinued, and I’m now among the mourners. Adrenaline Rush has a light, crisp passion fruit flavor that goes down easy. It ventures far from the traditional energy drink taste (Red Bull/Rock Star) by delivering fruity bliss.
A 16-ounce can is packed with 66 grams of sugar (ouch) and 260 calories. It also has plenty of taurine, B vitamins, D-ribose, and L-carnitine. Like most energy drinks, it full of artificial ingredients. But compared to a cola, it’s not that bad.
Adrenaline Rush proved to be a delicious pick-me-up without a horrendous crash. Word on the street is that SoBe has dropped its name on the product because it was hindering sales. However, SoBe continues to make energy drinks. It’s just under the No Fear label.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
According to a recent news article President Barack Obama approved adding some 17,000U.S. troops for the flagging war in Afghanistan.
I wouldn't say I'm for or against the wars in the Middle East. I'm all about keeping America safe, and I put my faith in the President to make the decisions that do that. At the same time, I find it interesting that you can run a campaign predicated on pulling troops out of Iraq but piggy back it with sending them to Afghanistan.
Maybe I'm just ill-informed, but I remember an awful lot of people protesting our overseas involvement. I guess we'll see if those voices remain silent now that it is Obama calling for the troops.
I also have to wonder if it was just a coincidence that he signed the economic stimulus plan on the same day he announced the troop surge. A little slight of hand...maybe.
Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist
While tacking a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, the wife and I decided to give ‘Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist’ a shot. The story revolves around two high school kids who are connected by mutual friends but have never met until a chance encounter brings them together in NYC.
The young actors handled their roles nicely. The supporting cast was quirky but fun, and the screenplay was solid enough. Ari Graynor, the drunken friend, stole most of the scenes she was in while Michael Cera’s band mates walked the line of being just too gay.
All in all, it was a good movie that came together nicely. Granted, a bottle of wine always ramps up my acceptance of cute and cliché, but I think this high school love story would hold up on a wine-free night as well.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I decided to venture from my normal energy drink, Full Throttle Fury, in the spirit of trying new things and avoiding unneeded sugar. The first can I grabbed was BAWLS Guarana Exxtra. It’s advertised as a sugar free soda with 50% more caffeine. So what does that equate to?
Unlike the traditional energy drinks, BAWLS ingredients list is short: carbonated water, citric acid, natural guarana flavor, sodium benzoate, and caffeine. No high fructose corn syrup? Crazy!
The result was a good pick-me-up that lasted an hour or two, but it was followed by a pretty hard crash. After the crash cames some heartburn that lasted the rest of the day. Granted, the heart burn might not have been related, but I haven't experiences it in quite some time, which leads me to blame the drink.
Friday, February 13, 2009
A couple of weeks ago I purchased this 42” Samsung Plasma TV for $600. Upgrade! It was a great price on a decent TV. I’ve already noticed a crisper HD picture compared to my LCD. Not to mention standard def looks better too. Add on smoother video game graphics and a swivel stand, and you’ve got yourself a winner.
Sure, I could have spent three times as much on a Sony, but for the money, I am completely satisfied with my purchase.
I was going to get my wife a Keurig Coffee maker for Christmas, but she decided that she didn’t want one. Of course one week after Christmas she informed me that the single cup brewer was a must have. She simply didn’t want one for Christmas. And just like that, a Keurig arrived in the mail 7-10 days later.
These coffee makers are a little pricey but make a great cup of coffee. You can keep a variety of flavors on hand, including teas, and you only brew as much as you drink. But at just under a dollar a cup, it gets expensive when you have family and friends over.
They also sell a brewing insert, so you don’t have to buy the expensive single servings. Instead, you can dump in your Folgers and experience the best part of waking up.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
In honor of Honest Abe's 200th birthday, the U.S. Treasury redesigned the penny. It's a nice thought but doesn't make a lot of "cents." Whatever. It was a good attempt for a lame play on words.
Americans hardly use the penny anymore. Many people think it should be removed from our currency. Instead we through money at it through a redesign. Not my idea of a good use of government money.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
When you look at all of the supporting roles up for the Oscar, you can legitimately see Heath Ledger playing each role. When you look at all of the other actors who got a nod for a supporting role, it’s very difficult to believe any of them could have pulled off the Joker in the same fashion as Heath Ledger.
This is as documentary about a French dude that snuck into the World Trade Centers at night, strung a tight rope between the two towers, and walked across it a total of eight times back in 1974.
With actual home footage of his early years and pictures of this daring stunt, “Man On Wire” blew my mind a little. And if your disregarding the stunt’s difficulty, take a second and really think about walking across a wire with no safety net at over 1300-feet in the air. If that doesn’t freak you out a little, you’re lying to yourself. And nobody likes a liar.
If you like documentaries, definitely check this one out. The subject matter isn’t too heavy, but the natural tension still permeates throughout.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
As a revolt against the Snuggie, I bought the Sham Wow this last weekend. Okay, it might not actually be the brand name Sham Wow, but it’s the same thing. This one is sold on QVC and uses identical methods of demonstration for selling the product.
I was at a local trade show when I got sucked into one of these booth demonstrations, and I have to admit that I was impressed. I don’t consider myself much of a sucker. I know there are a lot of ways to imply perfection on infomercials, but it’s harder to give me the old slight of hand in person. Granted, I’m yet to use my miracle cloth, but I’ve seen the magic with my own eyes.
So far, the only reason it might be a waste is because I don’t think to use it. Time will tell though.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Friday, February 06, 2009
A recent report released by the Center for an Urban Future found that a person living in New York City would have to make $124,000 a year to have the same standard of living as someone living in Houston. They would have to bring home $60K to mirror the same lifestyle of someone in Atlanta. And with the average monthly cost of rent exceeding $2,800 and the average monthly cost of daycare reaching $2,000, it’s easy to see why more and more middle class families are leaving the Big Apple.
And that is the main reason my wife and I packed our bags and headed back to the west coast.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
94.7 fm in Portland, Ore. is single handily ruining 90s music and indie rock. That's the station we listen to in our office, and it has become painfully obvious that they play the same song list everyday. At least when the top 40 gets ruined by the radio, you expect it. I'm now sick of half the bands that a lot of mainstream listeners don't even have on their radar.
Not to mention, there love of the "Rock Band" lineup. I should be able to play almost every song on the game "Rock Band" due to the frequency they fill the waves on 94.7. Then they have the audacity to run promo spots claiming how cool they are for playing only underground indie rock. News flash! Just because it's underground, doesn't mean you still can't play it into the ground.
New York City was first referred to as Gotham in 1807 by Washington Irving in the satirical piece the “Salmagundi Papers.” However, it was originally a nickname for Nottinghamshire, England, whose clever peasants pretended to be stupid in order to dissuade King John from taking residence there. Or so the story goes.
Apparently, the current residents of Gotham now “pretend” to be abrasive and rude so that most socially conscious people won’t want to live there. Unless of course, you’re loaded, and you can afford to live high above all the feigning city dwellers.
Is this life imitating art, or art imitating life? Man, I hate that line. It ranks high on the list of movie clichés. I guess it merely explains man’s inhumanity towards man. Damn, there I go again.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Monday, February 02, 2009
There's nothing more annoying that those who proclaim their embarrassment to be American while enjoying a higher education, driving around new cars, sipping lattes, and going to bed without the fear of their house being bombed over night.
I actually heard someone say that they would rather die than have another Republican president... and they were serious! Really? I know things haven't been the best in our country lately, but read a National Geographic once and awhile. If you want to see hardship, it's out there. If having a Republican president and a couple of years of a down economy is the worst thing that happens to the American people, than thank God. At least we're not experiencing civil war, widespread famine, or having to live in 4-foot by 4-foot tin huts.
I love the new found patriotism our country is exhibiting, but I've also never seen such a full political ban-wagon in my life. I'm all about change and making this country the best it can be, but we need to start putting things in to perspective.
I was definitely let down by the Super Bowl ads this year. I don't expect the best advertising of the year. I don't even expect to be rolling in laughter in 30-second intervals. But I do expect that for the amount of money being shelled out for each spot, they should at least write a script that makes sense and has a payoff.
Take the SOBE dancing lizard/football player train wreck. Can someone please tell me what the hell that was about. The ad made no sense, it wasn't funny, and there was no payoff in the end. And to think they paid millions of dollars for that spot.
The Doritos ads were funny, but inconsistent. The crystal ball Doritos ad started out great, but the second half where the dude hits his boss in the balls, and then that weird guys screams in his face just got creepy. Their other ad where the dude bites a chip to make magical things happen had no payoff what-so-ever. He gets hit by a bus. Really? That's all you got. At least give me a rhyme or reason for the magical chips.
The majority just seemed like they were half baked and half-assed. Miller's 1-second ad had the strongest storyline of the bunch, and it was only 1-second long - the story line being that they didn't want to shell out the cash and get lost in the shuffle, which has created great buzz for pennies on the dollar.
Maybe advertisers are putting too much pressure on themselves, or maybe they are relying too heavily on consumer contests for their ideas. Great ideas can come from random places, but if you're going to have an average Joe write your ad, you should at least give it a once-over for clarity.
I’m embarrassed to admit that I didn’t realize the motorcycle manufacturer “Orange County Choppers” is located in Orange County, New York instead of California. I suppose I never really paid attention to the show that much, but still, those dudes are definitely from New York. Not to mention the fact that I used to work for a motorcycle magazine back when the show was gaining traction. Whatever. Now I know. And knowing is half the battle.