Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Change is Fun!

According to a recent news article President Barack Obama approved adding some 17,000U.S. troops for the flagging war in Afghanistan.

I wouldn't say I'm for or against the wars in the Middle East. I'm all about keeping America safe, and I put my faith in the President to make the decisions that do that. At the same time, I find it interesting that you can run a campaign predicated on pulling troops out of Iraq but piggy back it with sending them to Afghanistan.

Maybe I'm just ill-informed, but I remember an awful lot of people protesting our overseas involvement. I guess we'll see if those voices remain silent now that it is Obama calling for the troops.

I also have to wonder if it was just a coincidence that he signed the economic stimulus plan on the same day he announced the troop surge. A little slight of hand...maybe.

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