Friday, February 13, 2009

I Love TV

A couple of weeks ago I purchased this 42” Samsung Plasma TV for $600. Upgrade! It was a great price on a decent TV. I’ve already noticed a crisper HD picture compared to my LCD. Not to mention standard def looks better too. Add on smoother video game graphics and a swivel stand, and you’ve got yourself a winner.

Sure, I could have spent three times as much on a Sony, but for the money, I am completely satisfied with my purchase.


Anonymous said...

I have a 42" phillips LCD 1080p. I only went with LCD because I play a PS3 too much.

Burtopia said...

My Sharp LCD seemed to have a lag when playing video games. I'm not sure why, but the Samsung doesn't.

Malinda and Family said...

And you had the nerve to sarcastically comment on my Keurig in your last blog. Pleeease...