Monday, February 09, 2009

Tiger Woods on the Wii

I finally broke down and devoted three hours of my life to playing Tiger Woods Golf on the Nintendo Wii. I've been a long time advocate of the Tiger Woods on other platforms, but since becoming an actual adult, I haven't been able to invest much of my energy into games. However, this weekend my dad and brother were in town, and while the weather wasn't adequate for golfing outdoors, the temps were great inside.

Tiger on the Wii is awesome, and here's why. Playing Tiger on the Playstation 2, I became too accustomed to scoring in the low 40s per 18 holes. You can simply control too much. Added power, the perfect spin, and an adjusted hitting angle prompted birdie after birdie. But with the Wii, it's a little bit more of a guessing game. This not only makes it more competitive for everyone involved, but it also adds some realism to the game. I do recommend buying a golf club controller holder at Ross for 5 bucks though. It heightens the experience twofold.

Plus, you're constantly standing up and sitting down to make your swings. I wouldn't say you're getting a work out. But you're doing more than just sitting on your ass.

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