Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Crazy-Realistic Dreams: Is This Normal?

Last night I was kept awake by several vivid dreams. I usually have intense REM, but last night's was particularly realistic. Here's the short version.

Dream 1: I pulled into a large gas station along the interstate to find that the parking lot of full. There were two large military-type tanks parked alongside two heavily armored SUVs. I thought it odd but still wanted to purchase a Gatorade and Snickers bar. On my way into the travel center I notice three large airplanes flying overhead. The first one suddenly veered left. It's wing sheered off and it came crashing down dangerously close the station. People were panicked and running when the second plane did the same thing, crashing even closer. When the third plane started its crash sequence, however, I knew it was comeing right for us. I started to run, barely making it out of the way as the plane crashed into the corner of the travel center. I looked up just in time to see the roof over the gas pumps collapse, killing everyone under it.

I was still able to get into the damaged travel center where they were already marketing down goods because of the crashes. Unfortunately after I grabbed my Gatorade and Snickers, I realized they didn't accept debit cards, and I only had $1 in my pocket.

Dream #2: My wife and I returned to Manhattan where we needed to board the subway and head uptown. I had just told her about my experience with the airplanes as we were getting on the A train. I suddenly had the thought that the plane crashes might be a foreboading about my train ride, so I jumped off as the doors closed. My wife didn't make it off in time. She seemed confused as the train headed uptown.

I started walking to the stairs when i saw a man removed a pistol from his coat. He saw me take notice and told me to leave, but when I turned, he shot me in the back. The impact knocked me down. I could feel the cramping in my side as I reached around and felt the blood. I managed to walk upstairs and into a library where someone called an ambulance. However, instead of waiting for paramedics, the librarian tried digging the bullet out of my back. The pain woke me up.

Dream #3: I was driving a new truck with my dad and my kids in the back seat. I believe I was on my way home from the hospital because I was conscious of getting shot earlier. The road became increasingly windy and the side barriers started narrowing. It was hard to control the truck, but I was managing.

Just when I thought I got through the bulk of the danger, the truck suddenly flipped and rolled several times. The impact was unsettling, but everyone was okay. I got out to find that the truck infront of me had lost a ladder that cuased me to flip. I then spent the next part of the dream fighting with an insurance company over who was going to fix my truck.

So those were my rambling dreams that cuased me to wake up exhuasted.


Amber Strahl said...

I like how even through the destruction and devastation of the first dream, you still went in to get your gatorade and snickers bar.

What movies have you been watching lately??

Burtopia said...

Nothing. Too much work = no movies.