Friday, August 07, 2009

Crabtree’s Advisor Reveals Master Plan
Michael Crabtree’s cousin and adviser David Wells went on to say that he also wants to advise for President Barack Obama in the coming months. Wells, after all, is Michael Crabtree’s cousin and feels that this raises his advisory market value. Besides, he was able to get Crabtree great media coverage for mere millions, proving that any press is good press. Or at least that if you act like a douche bag, people will write about you.

His plan? Have the president hold out from running the country until he’s recognized as President of the World. He also wants Russian Prime Minister Putin to put his shirt back on. Putin couldn’t be reached for comment because he was too busy
hanging out with Matthew McConaughey and Tour D’ France winner Lance Armstrong, who also enjoy the feel of a cool breeze on their bare nipples.

1 comment:

Eric Strahl said...

I also know a guy who has a hard time keeping his shirt on when it is nice out. What a D-Bag.