Monday, August 24, 2009

Miss Universe! That's assuming an awful lot.

This was actually the first year I've ever watched the Miss Universe pageant, and I did so while fast forwarding through most of it on my DVR. All I'm saying is that Miss USA is a D-bag, Miss Australia almost got robbed (except for she sounded like a typical bimbo on the interview question), and there were too many Latin American countries in the top ten.

I would like to know exactly what they judge these ladies on because one swim suit, one dress, and 30 seconds of talking seems like weak standards for deeming someone Miss Universe. I want to see a talent competition (no baton throwing allowed), a Trivia test, and maybe a competition where they have to build something out of a K'NEX set. Remember those, they were awesome.

I know it's a beauty pageant, but I want some substance. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing ladies in bikinis. But ladies in bikinis building a model bridge could be sexy too. And Miss Venezuela, let's hold onto the crown next time.


Amber Strahl said...

Oh, so did you get the pleasure of seeing Heidi (of Spidey fame) perform? I heard it was just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

Burtopia said...

She's the definition of train wreck.