Monday, August 03, 2009

The trailer for The Time Traveler's Wife freaks me out. Some dude meets a chic when she's a little girl, falls in love with her, and then travels through time until she's a woman and sleeps with her. I'm sure there's more to the story, but as it stands, I'm sufficiently weirded out. Fall in love with someone your age Time Traveler. Before you know it, Chris Hansen is going to be knocking on your door.


Amber Strahl said...

Umm... he's a time traveler... he obviously knew that she was going to turn out to be a hot Rachel McAdams type, you're telling me you wouldn't have tapped that?

Eric Strahl said...

Ben Button had the same problem, but he was an old man. Why is Hollywood shoving this idea in our face? I thought Woody Allen only made one movie a year.