Saturday, May 08, 2010

Cleaning up the neighborhood!

So my neighbors have finally been evicted or the foreclosed on - whatever happened, they've been gone for the last couple of months. Regardless, they left their house trashed. The front door his half painted, the screens are mangled, and the lawn resembles the set of The Predator. Today, I grew sick of seeing it.

My first mission: Stealth lawn mowing. Okay, fine. I wasn't that stealthy. It was the middle of the day and people were all over the streets because the parade just ended. I mowed my planting strip and looked over at theirs. The weeds were laughing at me. And in Spanish too. I couldn't understand what it was saying, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't nice. So I emptied my mower bag, pinned my ears back, and blew through their planting strip too. Then I tackled their front yard. No one jumped me, so I'm pretty sure I'm in the clear.

Mission two: Repaint their jacked up red door. I think I have the same color paint in my garage. It would literally take me five minutes too do. I just don't know if it's legal. I think mission two requires a little more planning.

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