Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Yahoo asked 'why the iPhone does so well without being the best'. The answer is simple. Tech consumers have a hard-on for Apple. Simple as that. Ask anybody in the creative industry what kind of computer they have and they'll scoff at you like that shouldn't even be a question. Of course it's a MacBook Pro. Of course they have an iPhone. Of course their iPad is being shipped today. The creative industry is dog loyal to apple and they're not afraid to admit it. And since it's a creative's job to recognize trends, market goods, and design ads, they've become pretty convincing brand ambassadors in their personal lives. They sell in everyone they meet and Apple cashes the checks.

The folks making the new Windows ads probably cringe as they concept and edit their commercials on Macs; secretly planting subliminal messages that counter-sell Apple to the unsuspecting public. It's a skinny jean conspiracy that won't end until Steve Jobs rules the world.

So do I have an iPhone and a MacBook? No. Do I want one? Of course I do. I work for an advertising agency. It would be blasphemy for me to think otherwise. At least that's what my creative director tells me everyday as I check my email on my Droid. Hey, back off! I can't get good reception with AT&T at my house. Now if you'll excuse me, I think my computer is about to crash.

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