Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Good No-Call

In the end of the Spurs/Lakers game last night Brent Barry was supposedly fouled during his final shot. In the hopes to stir up controversy, the announcers immediately questioned the non-call, thus forcing their perceived controversy onto the situation. Sometimes it amazes me how badly announcers want to bring drama to a game that doesn’t need manufactured tension.

If you watched the play, the ball was passed to Barry with 2-seconds left on the clock. When he jumped to catch the ball, Derek Fischer of the Lakers jumped as well. Barry caught the ball and immediately put his head down and took one dribble into Fischer, who was still in the air. After the contact, Barry pulled up for a long desperation shot.

Two things are obvious, especially when you look at the replay. Barry initiated the contact, and he wasn’t’ even fouled while in the act of shooting. It was the best no-call of the night. Not only did Barry not deserve to shoot three free throws for a chance to win the game, he didn’t even deserve to shoot two for a chance to tie. But the announcers got their way. This morning everyone was talking about the phantom foul.


Eric Strahl said...

Fisher was not straight up and down. It was a foul.

Burtopia said...

Fisher wasn't straight up and down, but I still contend that Barry initiated the contact. No Foul...Even though the league reviewed and said it was. They're just trying to be the good guy because they know nothing can come of it.