Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chris Rock is…Not the Father

After litigations and DNA testing Chris Rock was found to ‘not be the father’ of Kali Bowyer’s child even though she still insists that they had an affair and a subsequent baby. Unfortunately for her diluted mind, DNA doesn’t lie. Unless of course, Rock is a Chimera. That would change everything. It's also highly unlikely. I saw it on a CSI episode once.

Bowyer is trying to sell a book about the ordeal, which is probably why she is pushing so hard for the media attention. I would like to take a moment right now to urge a boycott of her book. Ahh, that was a good moment. I didn't realize that I was such an activist. It’s hard enough for some mothers to get restitution from lame dads without gold diggers muddying the waters of public opinion.

You lied, Bowyer. You wanted a hand out and some attention and it didn’t work. I’m not even saying that Rock didn’t sleep with you. But I am saying that, at the very least, he’s not the father, so let it go.

1 comment:

Amber Strahl said...

Maybe she'd didn't lie, but got confused. You know kind of a... lover of many.