Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A Rooster! Seriously!

I tried desperately to like my neighbors. They’re a nice Mexican couple with a cute kid, but today I officially decided that I’m sick and tired of their antics. I understand it’s polite to help out a friend every once and awhile, but do you really have to have two house loads of furniture cluttering up your back yard. Four beds, dressers, boxes of clothes, and beat up armoires resemble a modern art project of the leaning tower of Pisa. However, I don’t think it will ever make its way to your local MoMa.

I even think I could get past the all of the junk if I didn’t have to listen to the owners of the junk playing loud mariachi music every night and having a good old laugh about who knows what. And nothing says “this is a good neighborhood” more than three beat up vans piled into their driveway (none of which can start on the first, second, or even third try) with two cars making sure that even the nimblest of pedestrians can get utilize the sidewalk.

But I draw the line at the damn rooster. I don’t care where you’re from or what you do, you don’t keep live roosters in your back yard when you live in the city. Isn’t it enough that I have to listen to the music and nightly gatherings? Now I have to hear a rooster crowing all day long. Isn’t there an ordinance against that? I am honestly pissed off. And even more so, I’m pissed off that I’m pissed off. I try to preach tolerance and kindness every day, but I’m pretty sure this is where prejudices start.


Amber Strahl said...

I pretty sure there is a city ordinance against something like this... looks like ball's in your court Burt... what kind of neighbor are you?

Burtopia said...

They have an effing rooster! What the hell!