Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Father Time.

I ran into someone I haven’t seen in 9 years outside my office today…Weird. We both look a little older but basically the same. We really didn’t have a lot to say to each other. Perhaps it was out of shock, or maybe both of our lives are just that boring. Who knows? The worst part came when we realized it has been 9 years since we’ve seen each other. That means we’re on our way to being old. Seriously, mull that over a little. When the last time you saw someone was in high school and that was 9 years ago, the next step in the space time continuum is when your grandkids can’t tell which picture is yours when they’re looking at your high school year book.

I know there are older people in the world, but the last ten years went by pretty quick, which leads me to believe the next ten will go by even faster. I’ve always said that your sense time is relative to how long you’ve been alive. When you’re five-years-old, the next year of your life is 1/6 of your entire existence, which is a large chunk. When you’re 27-years-old, the next year accounts for only 1/28 of your entire life, thus, making it feel shorter. This means that from here on out it’s only going to feel shorter and shorter as I grow older and older. I’ll be wearing Depends in no time.


Malinda and Family said...

Wow Babe... a bit depressing.

Burtopia said...

It was supposed to be interesting. My bad.