Tuesday, March 04, 2008

gi·nor·mous: jī-ˈnȯr-məs: extremely large.

Now that “ginormous” is in Webster’s dictionary I’m completely boycotting the use of the word. I thought that I was the only pioneer of made up verbiage, and took the most pride in “ginormous.” So To find out that other people use it, and that it’s being officially recognized, makes me a little angry. What’s next, are they going to include “notrocious” in the growing list of super-officiality (the dictionary)? If you’re not familiar with the word, it means notoriously atrocious. What has the world come to when a guy can’t make up a word and feel secretly smart by using it only because of its ridiculous nature? Perhaps we should outlaw leather chaps while riding a scooter as well? Or maybe congress should get together and make Aloha Fridays mandatory in every office? That’s right; it would lose its luster then!

The point is that it was a great word, and now it’s simply normal. People don’t act like dorks because they want to be dorks. They act like dorks because it means that they don’t take themselves too seriously, and that’s what makes them cool. If being a dork were actually cool, then it wouldn’t actually be cool to be a dork. So be careful throwing around words like “frenemies” and “showmance,” because you never know when Webster’s going to take the credit for them.

1 comment:

Eric Strahl said...

Unexplainatory- the state of not being able to explain things. (See President Bush)
Betterness-the yearning to have and be better

I'm just unexplainatory about my need for betterness right now.