Thursday, March 06, 2008

Come on everyone, let's protest!

In the grand scheme of things a couple of pimples are the least of my worries. However, I do feel like I’ve put in my time, and at the ripe old age of 27 I think that I could do without them. I know, I know, curing cancer is important, ending the war in Iraq would be great, and figuring out this whole global warming thing should take precedence in my thoughts. But when I wake up and have two ginormous (damn, I was supposed to boycott that word) zits on my forehead, I get a little angry. Quite frankly, I would like it to stop.

Perhaps if I get a group of people together and stand on a freeway overpass with signs that say “Honk if you want to stop facial zit production” or “Face Zits = Blood” these little red demons will finally go away. For some reason I don’t think that will work, but does it ever. I knew I should've voted for Ross Perot!


Amber Strahl said...

So, I'm reading Harry Potter right now and I read pimple as plimpies, as in plimpie soup anyone? Nevermind. Back to the problem at hand. Maybe you should stop eating so much chocolate around the time of your period. Or maybe I'll just do it Ashland style and throw some red paint on your face next time I see ya.

Eric Strahl said...

It's really unexplanatory why you are suffering with this problem, hopefully you will find betterness in the coming days. You need to get some of that Pro-Active stuff man. It worked for Lindsay Lohan. It cleared that "I just did a crap load of drugs look" off her face.

Burtopia said...

I thought you might go there. But I already tried Pro-Active, well my wife did and I snuck some, and it didn't work.