Friday, March 14, 2008


In a scene destined to be portrayed in a Mel Brooks’ movie, seven members of the Cuban soccer team deserted their national club before their Olympic trials match on Thursday. America’s “Wet Foot, Dry Foot” policy was even too much for the potentially Olympic bound players to ignore. The policy allows them to stay in the country and apply for citizenship after one year.

In a twist of fate of stereotypes and ill-conceived humor, this goes hand in hand with the joke that follows: Why doesn’t Cuba ever field a winning Olympic team? Because everyone that can run, jump, or swim, is already in America. The joke is that it’s apparently not a joke at all. I’ll be the first one to admit that I don’t have an appropriate sense of humor, but this is even beyond me.

The worst part about the whole situation is that we (as Americans) bitch daily about how bad we have it. We need to realize that citizens from other countries risk incarceration or death daily just to have a chance at the American dream. And all we do about it is come up with jokes and then keep on bitching. Despite the levity of the situation, it was still one of the funniest things I've heard all week (that's my inappropriate sense of humor coming out again).

1 comment:

Eric Strahl said...

Hopefully we can forge some documentation and get those guys on our national team. I watched the last World Cup with anticipation, only to be crushed by the disappointment that is US soccer (futbol)