Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Shins and Killers

I was listening to a random playlist at work yesterday when I was struck by an interesting bolt of knowledge lightening. The Killers and The Shins are two bands I love but don’t really like.

I know it’s weird. I couldn’t quite wrap my head around it at first either, but after racking my brain for an answer, this is the conclusion I came to: I really like both these bands but only when I don’t chose to listen to them. When their music comes on randomly I’m easily swayed by the vibe, but when I play their CDs on my way home, I become bored with the whole thing. I’m not sure how else to explain it. It kind of weirds me out how quickly honest anticipation turns into mediocre enjoyment.

Sorry Eric and Amber. I try to ride your band wagon, but I just can’t pay the fare. Perhaps most of those indie bands are too popularly unpopular for me. (Here comes the longest, coolest sentence ever). Liking them is supposed to make you cool because they were originally underground, but since so many people try to be cool by listening to them, they actually became popular, which means that liking them places you directly in the middle of the band wagon, in turn, making you just like everyone else, e.g., uncool . And I don’t want to be that guy, so instead, I’m going to listen to Matchbox 20 some more. At least that way I know what band wagon I’m on.


Eric Strahl said...

Your problem is that you are getting hung up on the "being cool" by the association of your musical preference. Although I do give you a hard time for liking Matchbox Twenty, their music is not always, but certainly can be, horrible. My problem is a lack of conviction I have for their style compounded with an extreme over exposure to it in pop culture. I don't really believe I am cool because I listen to the National. I am always surprised when I talk to people and they haven't heard of them or any other band I like. Your problem is that you are jealous at your feelings of envy and coolness that you have for me. Those feelings make you despise perfectly good music, by very talented people, when in fact you should just open you ear to the work and not the culture.

Burtopia said...

Don't psycho-analyze me bitch! Just kidding. I dig what your saying. I just thought it was weird that I like their songs when they come on the radio, but get bored of them when I listen to their albums.

The rest of it is kind of a tangent. In fact, I think most everything I say is a tangent. Dammit, don't psycho-analyze me, me. Now I'm talking to myself. This can't be good.

Eric Strahl said...

I hear you brother. Some artists are too much at one time and maybe..... maybe you just like surprises. Good thing when investing in an overpriced apple mp3 player, you chose the shuffle. I decided to pay three times that, and have a little screen thats too small to see. Man this blog thing sure seems to be cathartic for the mind vomit problem.

Amber Strahl said...

Speaking of music you won't like, I was listening to Mates of State the other day and thought you almost might enjoy it. But, then I remembered your comments on the Postal Service and decided against it. I don't think I'll contribute to your coaster collection.